Reading of Literature and Reflection by means of Aesthetical Activities


  • Stig Broström


Based on the hypothesis that reading of fiction followed by aesthetic reflection might be a useful tool towards the development of children's literacy competence in the first years of school, this article constitutes a theoretical basis for such an educational approach. The article is based on a cultural-historical understanding of the work of L.S. Vygotsky and is also inspired by Jerome Bruner's social constructivism. Children's literature, their drawings and play are seen as cultural tools which, when related to Vygotsky’s work (1978a, 1981) allow for the mastery of psychological processes. However, referring to Stetsenko (1999) it is of importance to see the interrelation of three cornerstones in Vygotsky's theoretical universe: social interaction, cultural tools and zone of proximal development (Vygotsky, 1978a, 1978d). These cornerstones and new constructions are a basis for the introduction of an educational approach using literature, dialogue and aesthetic means and processes such as children's storytelling, drawing and play.
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How to Cite

Broström, S. (2009). Reading of Literature and Reflection by means of Aesthetical Activities. Nordisk barnehageforskning, 2(2).


