Förskolechefens ansvar och uppdrag i ett kommunalt förvaltningsperspektiv


  • Anita Eriksson University of Borås
  • Dennis Beach
  • Ann-Katrin Svensson
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7577/nbf.1204


The revision of the Swedish Education Act and of the Pre-School Curriculum of 2010 involved a demand for improved pedagogical quality and for an alteration and clarification of roles and responsibilities within the pre-school sector. In the revision the responsibilities, authorizations and rights to make decisions of the Heads of Preschool were articulated and clarified. This article describes and discusses how the new responsibilities and tasks of the Heads of Preschool have been interpreted and how the response to the revisions has manifested itself within a framework of municipal public administration. The data used consists of a questionnaire answered by 48 administrative officials with responsibility for education government in different municipalities. The result shows that the Heads of Preschool in a majority of municipalities are faced with increasing responsibilities and a new accountability structure. In order to meet the demands for improved pedagogical quality they are also expected to provide competence development opportunities for preschool staff.


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Author Biographies

Anita Eriksson, University of Borås

Senior Lecturer

The School of Education and Behavioural Sciences

Dennis Beach

Göteborgs Universitet

Institutionen för pedagogik och specialpedagogik

Ann-Katrin Svensson

Högskolan i Borås

Akademin för bibliotek, information, pedagogik och IT

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How to Cite

Eriksson, A., Beach, D., & Svensson, A.-K. (2015). Förskolechefens ansvar och uppdrag i ett kommunalt förvaltningsperspektiv. Nordisk barnehageforskning, 11. https://doi.org/10.7577/nbf.1204





Head of the Pre-school, responsibility, municipal public administration, policy, förskolechef, ansvar, förvaltningsperspektiv, policyrevidering