Arts-based Research Processes in ECEC: Examples from Preparing and Conducting a Data Collection


  • Torill Vist Universitetet i Stavanger


In this methodological article, different concepts and possibilities related to how arts-based research processes can contribute in the early phases of ECEC research will be presented and discussed. Despite a setback of art subjects in Norwegian ECEC and early childhood teacher’s education, the field of arts still plays an important role, and is expected to be research-based. Thus, there should be a need for an aesthetical and arts-based dimension in researching ECEC, not only in the subject matter, but also in the method, context, outcome and dissemination. The article focuses on methodological issues in the question development/design phase and the data collection phase, exemplified by the author’s own experiences in arts-based research processes. These processes include participation in dance and music performance as thinking or reflection tools in research, and an arts-based interview method. Some narrative writing processes will also be commented upon. Theoretically, the article primarily leans upon Barone and Eisner’s arts-based research and Irwin and Springgay’s a/r/tography.

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Author Biography

Torill Vist, Universitetet i Stavanger

Torill Vist, PhD

Associate Professor

University of Stavanger

4036 Stavanger


+47 95948907/51833457

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How to Cite

Vist, T. (2016). Arts-based Research Processes in ECEC: Examples from Preparing and Conducting a Data Collection. Nordisk barnehageforskning, 13.


qualitative research methodology, arts-based research, early childhood education and care, music education