Den føyelige pedagogen – kartlegging som disiplinering av pedagogisk praksis


  • Nassira Essahli Vik Institutt for pedagogikk og livslang læring, Fakultet for samfunnsvitenskap og teknologiledelse, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Norge.


Abstract: In this article, I address how language mapping affects the pedagogue and the pedagogical practice. The data of the article is observations of mapping sequences and interviews with the pedagogues. In the analysis, I used concepts from discourse theory and critical discourse analysis. In the empirical material, I found that the pedagogues were in line with main ideas in the discourse on the Norwegian kindergarten model. At the same time, the pedagogues had a positive attitude towards language mapping. However, during four out of five mapping sequences, the interaction was characterized by absence of dialogue. The pedagogues seem to put aside their professional discretion. On the other hand, the analysis also showed an example of a less rigid mapping practice where the child and the pedagogue interacted more unconstrained.

Keywords: disciplining, discourse, language mapping, multilingual children

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How to Cite

Essahli Vik, N. . (2019). Den føyelige pedagogen – kartlegging som disiplinering av pedagogisk praksis. Nordisk barnehageforskning, 18(1).


