Barn med og uten funksjonsnedsettelser og deltagelse i forskergrupper – når og hvordan kan ulike kvalitative forskningsmetoder få alle barn til å delta i forskning?


  • Borgunn Ytterhus Norges Teknisk Naturvitenskapelige Universitet, NTNU, Institutt for samfunnsmedisin & sykepleie
  • Ingvild Åmot Dronning Maud Minnes Høgskole


This article discuss when and how it is possible to get children with and without impairments involved in research in Kindergartens. Through empirical examples from established research-groups with children we analyze different research methods’ ability to engage children to research-participation. Our findings illustrate that participant observation in child-guided tours and digital photo-sessions make all children participating on equal terms. Additionally, we realize that a pragmatic approach on play was needed, and we had to commute between the logic of play and the logic of research. A prerequisite for all children’s participation was to accept that children’s consent is situated according to situations, ongoing activities and context.

Keywords: children’s participation, children with disabilities, testing of qualitative research methods, the logic of play

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How to Cite

Ytterhus, B., & Åmot, I. (2019). Barn med og uten funksjonsnedsettelser og deltagelse i forskergrupper – når og hvordan kan ulike kvalitative forskningsmetoder få alle barn til å delta i forskning?. Nordisk barnehageforskning, 18(1).


