Studenters læringsutbytte i barnehagelærerutdanningen – en problematisering av erfaringslæringens plass


  • Tove Lafton OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet
  • Anne Furu OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet


In this article the focus is on the concept of experiential learning, in order to investigate what possible learning processes might become in the tension between theoretical and practical knowledge. Extracts from focus group discussions, chosen through thematic analysis, stear the discussion of how different gazes on the concept experiential learning can create both opportunities and dilemmas for teacher educators when engaged in learning processes together with experienced students in the kindergarten field. The article deals with the concept of experiential learning, and moves from Dewey, via Biesta and to Latour. Teacher educators and students' ideas about experience learning and kindergarten as an important learning arena are problematized in light of what and how knowledge resources are activated in different practices. In conclusion, some dilemmas are raised which can be fruitful in order to problematize the concept learning outcome for teacher educations themselves.

Keywords: Experiential learning, knowledge resources, teacher educators, theory and practice

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How to Cite

Lafton, T., & Furu, A. (2019). Studenters læringsutbytte i barnehagelærerutdanningen – en problematisering av erfaringslæringens plass. Nordisk barnehageforskning, 18(1).


