Hverdagsmøtene mellom foreldre og ansatte i barnehagen – nok voksenrammer?


  • Janne Solberg University College of Southeast Norway
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7577/nbf.3433


Building on ten days observation of delivering and pick-up scenes in a Norwegian kindergarten, the article asks in the spirit of Goffman what kind of frames dominate the daily encounters. In the discussion, the issue is formulated as a possible lack of adult frames, and if so, this may be seen in relation to the current discourse of the participating child, rather than scarce economical resources alone. The article describes a communication practice dominated by children frames as well as blended frames. Thus, separated adult frames, presumed in the day care curriculum, were less common. The findings give reason to discuss whether the needs of parents as well as children are optimally taken care of. Besides, the ritualized character of the everyday contact is probably not very apt for preparing the staff on how to manage difficult talks, which according to earlier research, is an issue.

Keywords: Kindergarten, informal parent cooperation, parent participation, frames

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Author Biography

Janne Solberg, University College of Southeast Norway

Associate Professor, Department of Culture, Religion and Social Studies.

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How to Cite

Solberg, J. (2019). Hverdagsmøtene mellom foreldre og ansatte i barnehagen – nok voksenrammer?. Nordisk barnehageforskning, 18(1). https://doi.org/10.7577/nbf.3433


