Fagsamtaler i barnehagen


  • Turid Jansen Høgskolen i Vestfold
  • Liv Gjems Høgskolen i Vestfold
  • Kristin Rydjord Tholin Høgskolen i Vestfold
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7577/nbf.478


Title: Issues of Educational Policy and Educational Activities in Norwegian kindergartens
Abstract: The intention with this article is to develop knowledge about the potential in conversations about different subjects in early childhood education (ECE). The Research question is ”How can ECE teachers engage children to take active participants in conversations about different subjects”. Through language people share experiences and develop understanding for events and phenomena. We-observed spontaneous and planned conversations between children and ECE teachers. The observations reveal that the teachers ask many questions in subject conversations, and mainly talk to one child at a time. The children rarely asked questions to each other. The ECE teachers choices of pedagogical material are of importance for the children’s participation.
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How to Cite

Jansen, T., Gjems, L., & Rydjord Tholin, K. (2012). Fagsamtaler i barnehagen. Nordisk barnehageforskning, 5. https://doi.org/10.7577/nbf.478


