Fysisk lek i barnehagens uterom: 5-åringers erfaring med kroppslig fysisk lek i barnehagens uterom


  • Kathrine Bjørgen Dronning MaudsMinne Høgskole, Avdeling for fysisk fostring/idrett
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7577/nbf.418


Title: Physical outdoors play in kindergarten. A phenomenological "travel" in bodily experience of outdoor physical play in 5 years old children.

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to assess 5years old children in kindergartens about bodilyexperiences in physical outdoor play. Interview in groups was used to findout more about children’s experiences and understanding about topics related to bodilyphysical play, in outdoors area in kindergarten. Results tell that 5 years old children like to be outdoors in kindergarten. They argued that outdoors physical play gives them more freedom and experience in sensory motor activities. The child seems to attract to high sensory motor activities. Children have good reflection about bodily experiences. The children didn’t have reflected answer about preschool teacher’s role in outdoor activities. It needs more research on preschool teacher’s role in outdoor activities in kindergarten.

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How to Cite

Bjørgen, K. (2012). Fysisk lek i barnehagens uterom: 5-åringers erfaring med kroppslig fysisk lek i barnehagens uterom. Nordisk barnehageforskning, 5. https://doi.org/10.7577/nbf.418





Bodily experiences, Physical play, Outdoors physical activities, Early childhood education