Using the Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale for examining the quality of care for infants and toddlers in Norwegian day care centers


  • Anne-Grethe Baustad Høgskolen i Oslo


Abstract: The purpose of the presented study is to explore whether ITERS-R is an appropriate tool to use for examining the quality of care for infants and toddlers in Norwegian day care centers. The study is based on a pedagogical perspective of quality, a perspective which takes into account that it is possible both to define and assess the quality in day care centers. This study indicates that ITERS-R can be an appropriate tool to use in examining pedagogical quality in Norwegian day care centers, and especially the concept of process quality. The fit between the values and goals given in the Norwegian Framework Plan and the areas and quality indicators in the ITERS-R is also good; even if there are differences which need to be dealt with. The results are interpreted and discussed within the Norwegian day care center context and the values and goals of Norwegian day care centers. The following four interacting and interdependent dimensions of pedagogical quality made the basis for the discussion: those of the society, the child, the staff (teacher/ teachers) and the learning context (Sheridan, 2007, 2009).
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Author Biography

Anne-Grethe Baustad, Høgskolen i Oslo

Tidligere masterstudent (EMEC) v/ Høgskolen i Oslo / Universitetet i Malta. Ferdig 2009.Ansatt i Bodø kommune som styrer i barnehage.

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How to Cite

Baustad, A.-G. (2012). Using the Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale for examining the quality of care for infants and toddlers in Norwegian day care centers. Nordisk barnehageforskning, 5.





Day care center, Pedagogical perspective of quality, Process quality, Rating scales, ITERS-R