"Han går oppover mens han går nedover!" Femåringers refleksjoner om vertikal forflytning i klatrevegg


  • Per-Einar Sæbbe Universitetet i Stavanger
  • Reidar Mosvold Universitetet i Stavanger
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7577/nbf.484


Previous research has shown that children seem to have better ability to decenter than what the classical studies of Piaget indicated. Decentering can be connected with spatial understanding, and the development of spatial thinking has proven important for children’s mathematical ability. There is, however, little research about how children’s development of spatial thinking is connected with motor skills. In this article, we analyze the reflections of kindergarten children concerning a video of their own climbing activity in an indoor climbing wall. Content analysis of the transcriptions indicates that the children are conscious about direction and localization. The analysis also indicates that children are most concerned about whether or not they reach the top.

Keywords; decentering, climbing, localization, direction

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Author Biographies

Per-Einar Sæbbe, Universitetet i Stavanger

universitetslektor, institutt for barnehagelærerutdanning

Reidar Mosvold, Universitetet i Stavanger

førsteamuniensis, institutt for barnehagelærerutdanning

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How to Cite

Sæbbe, P.-E., & Mosvold, R. (2013). "Han går oppover mens han går nedover!" Femåringers refleksjoner om vertikal forflytning i klatrevegg. Nordisk barnehageforskning, 6. https://doi.org/10.7577/nbf.484


