Opportunities knock: Mediation of peer-relations during meal-time in toddler groups


  • Ellen Os Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7577/nbf.460


According to socio-cultural perspectives, adults are seen as mediators of cultural believes, values and practices. Qualitative analyses of teachers’ mediation of peer relations based on video-recordings in 9 toddler-groups indicate that meal-time represents opportunities for teachers to facilitate togetherness and peer-relations between toddlers. The teachers might facilitate sharing, passing food, routinized practices such as singing, and conversations. The results indicate variations between child- and group-oriented approaches, and accomplishing meals in an effective way. The child- and group-oriented approaches are marked by encouragement of toddlers’ initiatives and teachers supporting peer-interactions. Raising teachers’ consciousness about their contributions to children’s development of peer-relations and togetherness in group settings might contribute to enhance reflected practices in working with toddlers in groups.
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How to Cite

Os, E. (2013). Opportunities knock: Mediation of peer-relations during meal-time in toddler groups. Nordisk barnehageforskning, 6. https://doi.org/10.7577/nbf.460





Toddlers, Mediation of peer-relations, Meal-time