Important themes in research on and education of young children in day care centres: Finnish viewpoints


  • Maritta Hännikäinen
  • Niina Rutanen


The aim of this article is to outline important themes, according to Finnish early childhood education researchers, that need to be addressed in researching and educating children under three years of age in Finland. To achieve this aim, the article divides into two parts. First, we present and discuss the results of a small-scale survey, conducted in Finland, on the views of key informants in the early childhood education units of Finnish universities. Second, the views presented in the survey are used as a starting point to introduce two ongoing qualitative case studies on the everyday life of toddlers in Finnish day care centres. In line with the survey findings, these case studies emphasize in particular the importance of the relational, social nature of children, the educational community, and the sensitivity of the adult for children’s wellbeing in day care groups.

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How to Cite

Hännikäinen, M., & Rutanen, N. (2013). Important themes in research on and education of young children in day care centres: Finnish viewpoints. Nordisk barnehageforskning, 6.





Children under three, Day care centre, Early childhood education and care, Case study, Small-scale qualitative study, Research-based knowledge