Call for abstracts: Reading with/for/by children – with relevance for Early Childhood Education and Care institutions


Call for abstracts for special issue in

Nordic Early Childhood Educational Research

Topic: Reading with/for/by children  – with relevance for Early Childhood Education and Care institutions

Guest editors:

Corresponding editor: Maria Fredriksson, University of Stavanger:

Tarja Alatalo, Dalarna University

Maria Fredriksson, University of Stavanger

Liv Gjems, University of South-Eastern Norway

Trude Hoel, University of Stavanger

Annie-Maj Johansson, Dalarna University


There is a significant interest in research regarding young children’s reading, both in the Nordic countries and internationally. This research is characterized by different thematic perspectives, such as research on children´s literature, language learning and digitalisation, and with various methodological approaches. Despite all the comprehensive research being done, we still have sparse knowledge of children’s reading practices in ECEC institutions and about conditions for young children's reading in society. Thus, there is a need to see different thematic and methodological approaches to reading in ECEC-institutions in the light of and in connection with each other. The special issue is particularly interested in contributions about reading with/for/by children - with relevance for kindergarten in a Nordic context, where a holistic view of children, and connections between play and learning are central.

This special issue will bring together research from the Nordic countries, where exploration of different perspectives related to children and reading is central. The research can have various methodological and theoretical perspectives, for example, reading practices in ECEC-institutions, children’s literacy and language development, reading in the diverse kindergarten, and reading in different media. All contributions must clearly show relevance to ECEC practices.

The texts must be written either in one of the Scandinavian languages or English and should follow the guidelines for articles in Nordic Early Childhood Education Research ( Two peer reviewers will review each abstract and article. We hope that the authors sending in a contribution to this volume will also consider contributing as reviewers of another article in the same volume.


Guidelines for abstract

Abstract 500-1000 words (excluding references) including: title, aims and problem formulation, planned methodological, and theoretical approach, and implications for praxis.  

The abstract is submitted in the journals platform here. Please mark the submission LES_Title and follow the instructions for submitting an article. 


Submission of abstract: 15/10-23

Feedback on abstract: 12/11-23

Submission of full article: 25/2-24