Responser som grund för gemensamt innehåll. Om undervisning i förskola


  • Kristine Hultberg Ingridz Malmö universitet, Sverige


Since 2018, teaching has been included in the curriculum for preschool in Sweden. This has led to a need for a broader understanding of how teaching can be understood in a preschool context without focusing on learning as an economic transaction (see Biesta; 2005; Pechtelidis &; Kiupkiolis, 2020) in earlcy childhood education. Data consists of video observations conducted with ethnographic method and the study is theoretically framed by Play-responsive teaching and didactics. This study has two purposes. One is to contribute with knowledge about teaching in relation to play. The second purpose is related to methodology and analysis in which the use of interaction analysis (IA) give as much attention to expressions from the body (embodied language) as from the spoken word. The latter is related both to the context of the study, which is a preschool and specifically a language department, with participants from the age of 3, and to the concept of response. The result shows that teaching that is done as commons and through shared interest in play opens for children to contribute to the content of teaching, where teaching takes place spontaneously and is organized through the participant's both verbal and embodied responses to each other's actions.

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How to Cite

Hultberg Ingridz, K. (2024). Responser som grund för gemensamt innehåll. Om undervisning i förskola. Nordisk barnehageforskning, 21(3), 165–185.





responses, teaching, preschool, interaction analysis, embodied language